Tuesday 19 June 2018

Exit Interview

Which assignments did you enjoy and why?

I liked the basic light effect because when it was done it looked really nice and it adds a nice pop to the picture. 

Which assignments did you struggle with and why?

I didn't like the the long dark game thing because I didn't get the point if it and i didn't like the whole game in general anyways.  

Sum up your IT experience 

     ... What did you learn?
I learned how to somewhat use animate and the basics of coding .

     ... What should you have done to do better?
Something I could have done better is not complain so much because whenever i co me in this class i always complain about something. 

If you were to take IT in the future, what would you like to explore?
 If i took this class in the future I would like to look more at like editing photos and stuff like that.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

the long dark day 5

Explain how to play the game 

When you first appear in this game you are in a house that has some different resources for you to collect. When you are hungry in the game you have to fund food and if your thirsty you have to melt snow with a fire then boil it to purify it.

Then when you go outside you can go wander around and when I was walking outside I found.....
A derailed train.
This place is called derailment
Another thing I found was...a broken house
And this area was called dead fall area

 The controls for this game are
W= froward
S= backwards
D= right
A= left
Left shift= sprint
R= reload
H= put away
Space= radial menu
Tab= quick stats
F= status
I= backpack
C= clothing
J= journal
M= map
1= light source
2= weapon
3= decoy
4= fire
Thats all you need to know for controls


How far you can go in an hour of class time 

In an hour of class time i got from

That was an hour then I died.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

the long dark day 4

Fail videos of death  




food poisoning


Tuesday 1 May 2018

the long dark day 3


i didn't catch the fish but i had the materials for it

i also found the ice fishing huts 
and i was hiding in one because the wolves were right outside it 

Friday 27 April 2018

the long dark day 2


i found a dead body when i was roaming around 

and i made portable water 

i found a train 

then i got attacked by wolves 3 times in a row and died 

Thursday 26 April 2018

the long dark day 1


i had no clue what the point of the game was (no purpose)

okay today i opened the safe, put a snare out, killed a wolf , got attacked by a bear twice, harvested meat from a deer and a wolf and died once   

minecraft tree house