Tuesday 19 June 2018

Exit Interview

Which assignments did you enjoy and why?

I liked the basic light effect because when it was done it looked really nice and it adds a nice pop to the picture. 

Which assignments did you struggle with and why?

I didn't like the the long dark game thing because I didn't get the point if it and i didn't like the whole game in general anyways.  

Sum up your IT experience 

     ... What did you learn?
I learned how to somewhat use animate and the basics of coding .

     ... What should you have done to do better?
Something I could have done better is not complain so much because whenever i co me in this class i always complain about something. 

If you were to take IT in the future, what would you like to explore?
 If i took this class in the future I would like to look more at like editing photos and stuff like that.

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