Tuesday 27 February 2018

About the World

About the World

1.) The Australian open

  • latest news 
''Top secret'' Australian files found in a filing cabinet from second hand shop. 

  • picture 
Image result for australia

2.) The winter Olympics

  • where / when 
Pyeong Chang 2018
it started on February 9, 2018
  • picture 
Image result for what day did the 2018 olympics start

Thursday 22 February 2018

About the school

About the School

1.) Please share one or two things that is going well, that we need to keep supporting as a school. What is good at school?

  • one thing that is good is PE because i am really into athletics and the PE teacher are really nice. 
Image result for a basketball court in aldergrove community secondary school

2.) Please share one or two things that you think we need to look at as a school. What is missing at the school?

  • the athletics at our school are lacking because of the amount of dedication from the people on the sports teams and the lack of teacher support 
  • at the schools that have really good teams have the teacher support and the coaches who have volunteered their  time have successful sports teams ( mostly basketball )

Image result for basketball

Add your URL

Monday 19 February 2018

predict my grade

predicted grade 

predicted grade

Friday Post February 2, 2018

Friday Post 

  1.) What did you do this past week?

  • we made avatars 
  • we made banners 
  • we did 3 posts on 3 different moons
  • we did a predict your grade project 

2.) What code did you learn this week?

we learned this code. 
<div style="background: lime;">

3.) What 2 types of technology do you depend on and why?
  • my phone because it has my life on it. 
  • WiFi because if there was no WiFi then i would have no social media.

4.)What is in your tech-future?
I don't think i will have a good tech future because I am not good with computers but ask me something to do with social media and i will probably know because all i do is sit around on my phone.

Friday 16 February 2018

Friday post February 16, 2018

1.) What have you been doing in Animate CC ?
  • Making a car move / motion tween 
  • Making building 
  • Make a road 
  • Putting a sky in / choosing our own colors for it  
  • How to make your movie start
  • how to make a start button 
  • Some coding to make the movie start and stop 
2.) At least 5 tips & tricks that you have learnt in Animate CC ?

  • Press F8 to save something to the library 
  • Press ctrl+enter to start your movie 
  • press ctrl+G to group things 
  • press F5 to get a frame 
  • press ctrl+alt+G to edit the grid 
3.) Please explain how to enbed a SWF ( shockwave file ) onto your blog ?

you save it on to your dropbox
insert in to a blog post
go to your blog and allow the adobe player 

Friday 2 February 2018

Blood Moon

Blood Moon

This lunar eclipse was visible in all 50 U.S. states as well as Australia and eastern Asia. Skywatchers in the western U.S. had the best view of the eclipse. Farther east, the moon set beneath the horizon before the eclipse came to an end.

Image result for blood moon

Super Moon

Super Moon

A super moon is a full moon, but a full moon is not necessarily a super moon. In fact, it usually isn’t. A super moon only occurs when a full moon coincidentally falls during the period when the moon is the closest distance from Earth during its orbit. This makes the full moon appear even larger and luminous due to its increased proximity to the planet.
Image result for super moon

Image result for super moon

Blue Moon

Blue Moon
The third full moon in a four-full-moon season rule was detailed in a 1937 edition of the now defunct Maine Farmers' Almanac. 3) The Blue Moon has many names: Today's full moon is also known as the Full Sturgeon Moon, the Green Corn Moon, the Grain Moon and the Full Red Moon.

Image result for blue moon

minecraft tree house