Monday 19 February 2018

Friday Post February 2, 2018

Friday Post 

  1.) What did you do this past week?

  • we made avatars 
  • we made banners 
  • we did 3 posts on 3 different moons
  • we did a predict your grade project 

2.) What code did you learn this week?

we learned this code. 
<div style="background: lime;">

3.) What 2 types of technology do you depend on and why?
  • my phone because it has my life on it. 
  • WiFi because if there was no WiFi then i would have no social media.

4.)What is in your tech-future?
I don't think i will have a good tech future because I am not good with computers but ask me something to do with social media and i will probably know because all i do is sit around on my phone.

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